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In reality, we age from the moment we are born. From the very first breath.

That "pure, invigorating" air that is always sought after for meditation and relaxation sessions?

Yes, that's the one. That oxygen-rich air that slowly oxidizes us.

But the air gives us life...

And it brings us closer to death, which is also part of nature. Haven't you heard of Yin and Yang, the principle of eternal transformation that governs the universe? Nothing exists without its complement, which is within itself. Nothing exists in a state of stillness.

You leave me stunned.

Stones may be the material objects that change the slowest. But even they abide by the laws of Yin and Yang. Where do you think the fine sand on beaches comes from? And the salt dissolved in seawater?

So, I have no choice but to accept that I am getting old...

That's one way to see it. But I would invite you to, instead of simply "accepting" it, seize the opportunity to ENRICH yourself on the path of your aging.

Is it possible to enrich oneself on the path to decrepitude?

Not only is it possible, but as I see it, it's the duty of any sensible person. That path you contemplate towards "decrepitude" is nothing less than the culmination of your life story, the realization of what each of us can become, the completion of our work, our reason for living.

Well, how do I do that? Can you give me some advice?

I can try, but you have to commit to following it.

That sounds good, but before I commit, I want to know the terms of the contract.

Great. To start, I'll tell you something so obvious that people often overlook it. Can you imagine what it might be?

Hmm... Nothing comes to mind immediately.

TO PREPARE FOR YOUR OLD AGE, DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE OLD. It's as obvious as not waiting to be hungry to sow wheat. Old age is primarily a time for harvesting rather than sowing. Desirable lifestyle habits should be established as soon as possible.

So, when should I start?

You should have started already. Nevertheless, it's always better to try something late than not to try it at all. What I mean is, when the time comes, don't use your old age as an excuse not to try to improve your later life.

And what habits should I develop?

I won't tell you anything new if I say that the first thing should be to respect and honor your own physiological structure.

How do I do that?

Start with the NOs.

And what are those NOs?

Don't intoxicate your body: AVOID SMOKING. There's not a single piece of evidence to suggest that tobacco consumption benefits our bodies.

For the same reason, AVOID ALCOHOL.

But they say that, in moderate amounts, wine is healthy.

There's a legend surrounding the "wine culture." But words, sometimes, intoxicate more than substances, and the term "culture" seems to ennoble anything to which that lofty concept is attached. Don't trust words. Not even mine. Verify things for yourself. Do the test for a while and observe your body's reaction: if your body demands that "moderate amount" and your mind searches for arguments to convince you of the benefits of "a little" wine, perhaps you're already developing an initial degree of dependence. If your body feels lighter and your mind clearer, you can use those signs to make your decisions.

Are there more "noes"?

Just one: Don't overeat, maintain a healthy weight. AVOID OBESITY. Without becoming a fanatic. Eat in moderation, healthily - and these are already some "yeses" -, without following yo-yo diets and without absurd restrictions that you cannot maintain long-term.

Are there any other YESes?

Indeed. And the first one is: STAY PHYSICALLY ACTIVE, even if you have a sedentary job. Remember that basic and very healthy exercise consists simply of walking. Develop that habit by making it a daily routine.

I might have to cut back on watching so many TV series to make room for walks...

You decide the order of priorities in your daily activities.

Are there more tips I should consider to prepare for my old age?

BE RESOLUTIVE: face the problems that arise each day directly. Evaluate them sincerely and tackle them head-on, without overthinking, without unhealthy emotional reactions, and without delaying tactics.

Does that mean I'll also have to strengthen my character? Are there more tips?

We only have a couple more left: CULTIVATE YOUR MIND. A good education leads to a more active life in the future, and that means a more interesting life. It doesn't mean you have to pursue one university master's degree after another; it simply means you should seek something to learn every day and read a lot.

So, less television, more walks, and more reading...

You're not far off. We have one last piece of advice left: NURTURE YOUR SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS. Your partner, your family, your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors, they constitute your network of emotional support. Give them attention and you'll receive attention in return. Relationships are like the flowers in a garden: they need constant care to brighten our lives.

Seen in that light, aging doesn't seem so terrible.

Terrible? It's the best stage of life!


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